Fatigue Management

Sleep, regulatory compliance and the Reality of Fatigue management: allow Completions to improve your efficiency while reducing Cost, Risk, and Liabilities of Fatigue in your enterprise.


In April 2013, CASA introduced new rules which require the management of pilot fatigue. The new rules better reflect modern flying conditions, scientific understanding of human performance limitations and advances in technology. Operators must submit their draft operations manual amendments or an FRMS application to CASA by 31 October 2016. Operators must complete their transition to the new rules by 1 May 2017.

Civil Aviation Order 48.1 instrument 2013

Are you ready?


Fatigue seems fairly straightforward, right? We all get tired, do what we need to get through it, and then catch up on our sleep when we can. Fairly straight forward!

Is that true? … Current research reveals that fatigue strongly impacts virtually every enterprise – leading to increased error and accident rates and, increased costs.

To help you manage the cost of fatigue and improve safety outcomes, Completions can:

Any time anywhere

Fatigue…………Any time anywhere

  • Review business practices which increase fatigue risk
  • Examine the consequences of fatigue
  • Calculate the bottom-line costs of fatigue
  • Provide solutions for mitigating the costs, risks and liabilities of fatigue
  • Implement management and training programs which mitigate fatigue


Enquire Our Services See Fatigue Management Training